Expecting to have baby boy any day now…
To be honest, I was pretty excited about booking this session. I did this couples maternity session when they were expecting their 1st child & when I was starting out in photography. We had a great time catching up and making fun of my self for the things I admitted to not having a clue about on their last maternity session. lol I had the reflector all in their faces, squinting eyes, it was way before I started watching videos and figuring it all out by experience & researching how to get better. I am so honored for their trust in letting me capture these memories.
The best part was having dad over enjoying a little brewski after the shoot just chilling and chatting. lol I love my clients, in particularly the ones I get to grow with, in life, in family and in business.
See you for the 3rd baby!!! 🙂 xoxo